August 5, 2010

On Being "Worldly"

  To not get into too much detail, I am living with a worldly family.

*I can see some of you fainting there on your computer chairs!

Mrs. G is unashamedly part of this world, and she will probably laugh at me when she reads this.  (Next week, I think, she doesn't snoop on me that often.  Not that I mind, if she would....)  They have DVR and we watch Glee every week.  I am really enjoying the music.  I think branching out in listening really can help define who you are.  It is a GREAT exercise in choosing!  I choose, I randomly select, I throw out, I listen to over and over again, and look up different music all week.

Other things that are adapting me to this foreign environment are movies like "Accepted."  Being bored the other day, G-son got the movie out for me to watch.  I sat there utterly mind-boggled for most of it.  One line especially, where he tells his parents that he does not want to go to college, they respond: "There are rules in society!  You have to go to college!" (or something like that)
I seriously had to stop the movie and get my mind over that one for a bit.

I am being accused of being a homebody.  I don't go out of the house much.  Well, everything in its right time.  BUT, I am trying to adapt to an earlier schedule.  Waking up at 7:30 is hard.  However, doing things to keep myself awake during the day is interesting.  I need a job!  For now I am re-hashing math.  The more I do the easier it gets.  My headgears are all rusty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I would like your Mrs. G very much...and I think you're EXACTLY where you need to be.

You have a TON of adapting to do. I don't think there are hard and fast rules about how to overcome living a cult like existence and entering society. The most important thing is that you are making day at a time. And watching movies is actually an excellent way to "see" the world. I used to show my English Language learners movies every Friday because they could learn so much about our culture that way. So many lines from movies are a part of every day conversation. I remember reading one time that every two minutes somewhere on a TV or the radio or the internet, a line is quoted from The Wizard of OZ. If you haven't seen it MUST!!!!!

Keep on spreading those wings!!