May 12, 2010

Blessed Are You

Sometimes when we are at our lowest, it really helps to just praise. It is akward at first. You sing (or just play it on youtube if you are like me) and hope that agreeing with the worship of others is an ok way to proceed (vicarious praise, anyone?).

Then, as you listen and agree (you know that is what "Amen" means? We agree!) you begin to feel better. Your soul is a little lighter, and you can relax in the knowledge that God is near. He may not feel near, but He is somewhere near.

Then, you open your mouth and slowly begin to whisper the praises. It feels fake, because your heart is still upset, and hurt, and reeling from pain, and still has so many questions and burdens and is SOOOO angry inside. It feels like a mask.

But in reality it is the truth behind the mask. Your soul really longs for God. Your heart is yearning for fellowship and communion and that closeness to your REAL FATHER.

And then, you can praise. The burdens are not gone, but they are shared. The hurt is still there, but it is better, because the heavenly balm of praise has soothed the burning irritation.

God is still to be blessed when life is hard. God is still in power. God is still commanding the universe. He knows about the pain. He knows the questions. He knows. He so totally KNOWS!!!