November 6, 2011


Is 'whelm' a word?
Because I am not sure.

However, 'overwhelmed' is a word.  And one I find too fitting.
One day I am happy, giddy and silly even, and the next I find myself in a morass of self-hate and un-explainable sorrow.  What is up with me?

I met an interesting character at my work who went into an in-depth rant about being a 'Cancerian' (because 'cancer' is a disease and not the proper term for the astrological sign).  He told me that Cancerians, unlike their fellow-water-sign Scorpio's and Pisces, are doomed to be consumed with emotions.  And not only their own, but others as well.  While Scorpio dominates others emotions, and Pisces accepts everyone else's onto themselves, Cancerians could go either way.
Without getting all 'satanic zodiac' on you guys, I find that his assessment of me was largely true, which was surprising considering the short amount of time he actually spent with me.  It got me to brooding (haha) and while I am not sure that your birth month necessarily dictates everything about you it has a surprising way of really sorting people mostly accurately.

Today is one of the days where I hit bottom; and as I gasp for air and flail about for some sort of solid piece of floatsam to hold on to to get my bearings, I am unsure of where it came from or why.
I fight against it, and it wears me out quicker than I thought it would.

The strength and resistance I thought I had built up seem like a couple spiderwebs trying to duplicate the Hoover Dam.  Back to square one and I feel lost.