November 20, 2011

The Pure Truth

I was sitting in a room in a garage the other night.
One of the cooler people from work invited me out to her house and I was trying to be friendly.  I didnt know anyone but her, and I didnt like any of the drinks out, and I didnt smoke.  In short: I didnt fit in at all.

But I really want to be her friend.

So I sat around for a couple hours and listened and every now and then we would gossip about work.
We talked about the guys and the girls and the who-dated-whos and stuff.  At one point we were laughing about this one character who told me I was pregnant.  She laughed and then looked at me seriously and said: "Aren't you a virgin?"
At that moment the rest of the almost-10 people in the room got quiet and looked at me.  I had never been in a situation like this and I felt akward.  I answered "Well, yeah."
Everyone went back to what they were talking about and she took a puff from her cigarette and said "You should change that someday."
I mused and said "I will someday....  I just havent found anyone worth it yet."
 (a cliche, I thought.  Something I was taught to spout, but at the same time, it is a vulnerability that I dont feel safe around anyone like that yet)
She looked at me very seriously and said: "I envy you for that"

I was taken aback.  I honestly didnt expect that from her. In fact, I was so surprised that I didnt say anything for the rest of the night.  I have been thinking about it since.
Maybe everything I was taught about purity wasnt such a lie.
At the same time, I wasnt being a prude.  Because I think if my attitude had been one of "no heck way, you whore" I might have gotten a different reaction from her.
The fact is that I wasnt allowed to make up my own mind about purity.  How much or how little.  Being a virgin wasnt an option for me for 20 years.
Not that I wish I wasnt.  But I wish it was MY choice.
This year, it has been my choice.  I dont want to be intimate with anyone unless I trust them.  And the fact is that I dont trust a lot of people anywhere near enough.

I think parents of young people should expose them to both sides and allow them the choice.  Educate and present the facts.  I feel like I am actually 14 or 15.  One year into 'growing up' teenager-hood.
Except I can make my own choices about smoking and drinking without the constraints of age.

I guess what I am getting at is: I am confused.
All this is so confusticating. Am I finally going through my 'teens'?


QuicksilverQueen said...

Yes, I think so...seems to happen with a lot (or all of us), the stage we should have gone through years ago we go through at whatever age we are now that we are able to. It sucks in some ways, but I think it's for the best in the long run. :)

dontfencemein said...

Maybe you have found something to be thankful for, if you should consider a prayer of thanksgiving.