April 19, 2011


You know why people talk about it all the time?
You know why song after song can be written about it and it hasnt been exhausted?
You know why it makes people do 180's and change in ways they never thought possible?

Do you want to know why all the stupid, cheesy cliches stay around?

Because sometimes it is the only thing in the universe that cant be excused or written off.
It cant be denied in the face of cynicism or debated out of logic and reason.

And then you have been loved....
You are not the same.

It is like living through a tornado. 
You open the storm-cellar door and look around at the chaos that used to be familiar and safe and realize that nothing will be the same again.  What used to matter suddenly is cut down to the basics.  Formality and societal constructs got whirled out of shape and the old rules just dont fit any more.

It is amazing to be with people and know that no matter what they are there for you.  These people would give up anything (some of them everything) for Y-O-U.

I used to feel unworthy in a bad way.  I felt like a louse who deserved squashing for the fate of being born a louse.
But this time I feel unworthy because; when someone you respect and look up to and go to for advice and support is willing to die for you.... it is the only natural feeling.

Is this what God is like?


Sharon said...

I think that is what God is like. Looking at it that way sure has changed everything for me. :-D

RM said...

this was so beautiful, and not at all cheesy or stupid or cliched. thanks for proving that while there's an excuse for cliches when talking about love it doesn't HAVE to be that way :)