September 20, 2010


I have not posted in a while because my computer harddrive dies on my a bit ago.

I really, really, really love my car, and having my car. It is such a freedom to know that when you turn the key you have no one to answer to and nothing holding you back (obviously, this analogy only goes so far, I don't mean I disregard road rules and that my car flies [/disclaimer])

I have been putting full-time effort into the job hunt, and I am actually getting good return! I do a lot better when I can actually talk with people and explain myself and my personality and unique lack of record to them. Most people really don't mind that I have never held a job. Although, when you are filling out stuff online it sure looks like a gaping hole!!!

I am looking forward to throwing myself into a whole new world and being able to have responsibilities and payments and dues and stuff like that. Obviously, I will have situations that are going to be much like the horror stories I have been told of/heard about/etc (like having a supervisor hate you, or really bad co-workers) but I know that I can handle anything. And I say that in a very humble sense, looking back on all that I have come through. "Strong" is the word most people use who have known anything about my past. If I am really as strong as they think I am, I can ride the waves. I can handle it.

Positivity helps, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are strong, and you are just beginning to realize your full potential. Once you get that first job, keep in mind it's only a job...there will be others and eventually you will be able to do what you want instead of what you HAVE to do.

I'm glad the car has given you such a sense of freedom.....with or without the car you are free...finally!