July 29, 2010


Call me Sleeping Beauty!!

The other day I went out with Mrs. G and we picked out a color for my bedroom and made choices and compared and bought a bedset.  I really like what we got, and I felt super accomplished for making decisions and being able to choose easily enough.
Anyway, she was surprised when I did not go right up to my room and change everything around and arrange and organize.  I went to the couch, and fell asleep.  I had no idea why either.  I was just incredibly sleepy.
Today, we drafted a sort of cover letter to hand in to all the places I applied to explain why a 20 year old has no paid work experience or any previous employers to put to her name.  We got home, and discussed High School and getting a transcript made up and taking the SATs or a different State placement test. 
I am soooooo sleepy.

Then, as I was about to lay down and sleep for a couple hours that this was how my body was reacting to doing all sorts of new and unprecedented things.  I fall asleep. 

I am trying not to sleep, or hoping the feeling will pass.  Not because I think it is bad, but because I want to get some work done right now while it is fresh in my mind and because if I can sleep every other time....maybe this won't become a habit.  Imagine....I get a raise, and when everyone turns to congratulate me I am fast asleep.....haha
OK, so a bit far-fetched there, but still.  I am glad to be doing all this and to have the AMAZING Mrs. G helping me do all this.  Cover letter, transcript, SATs......she is hands down the best!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Change is exhausting! I have that too when I face many new decisions. Also, try taking some Vitamin D and B. Vit. D has a HUGE part in how tired you feel at times. It makes a BIG difference for me. So you might want to look into it. SO glad you are on the road to success! I think the cover letter is a VERY good idea. You know, there are a lot of 20 year olds who haven't worked a job. They focus on school and that is their job. So it's not as weird or unusual as you might think.-Mom in the Northwest

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you're in such a healing environment! What a blessing!