July 26, 2010

Dear subscribers:

My family found out about the blog....specifically my Dad.  A day or so after (June 6th) he and my mom came down to my room and announced that we were going to "have a talk."  They told me that I was not "communicating" with them, specifically.  And that I needed to be able to communicate well with authorities in order to be anything in life.  So, in order to do this, they were going to force me to comminicate.
I said: "FORCE?!?"
Yes, they said, force.

They took away the phone I was/had been using (they pay for it) and turned off the wireless internet.  If I wanted to communicate with anyone in the outside world I would have to 1) ask them for permission, 2) answer any questions they asked like: Who?  How Long? etc, and 3) I would do it upstairs where they could monitor it.

After a month, my dad said, this "probation" would expire and if I had demonstrated acceptable/good results I would be allowed to regain all the "privileges" they had taken away.
 I was offered by a couple people to leave, but I didn't feel peace, and I wasn't sure.  I stayed.

Then, July 5th at 3am (ok, so make that July 6th) I had a "meltdown."  I hate math, and my dad wanted to run over some numbers that we were going to present the next morning at 9am.  I had just finished cleaning my room, and doing other things.  I cried my eyes out, pleaded to go to bed, and was downright grumpy, sleepy, and refused to help or dig up numbers.

The next morning I was not taken to the meeting.  I spent the day doing random chores and planning for my birthday (20) the next day.  I spent my BD afternoon shopping, and the evening with my best friends.

The next day (July 8th) at lunch the children asked me to take them out to the creek near the house to swim.  Before I could respond, my dad who was home for lunch (that is VERY rare) broke in and said that I could not use the "family car" until I "learned to be respectful."  I rolled my eyes and finished eating.

Then, later that evening, right after dinner, he announced to my mom and I that I was not allowed to go out anywhere unless HE gave me specific permission...."until I learned to be respectful."
How can I put this?
I was sick and tired of him lording it over me, so I argued (respectfully) that I could hear God myself, that everything having to be HIS way or no way was prideful, etc.  I asked him "why won't you let me leave?"  He said that it was God's orders to him to keep me in the house and to train me out of this 'rebellion.'

Anyway, I left home Wednesday, the 21st.
 I am now safely in the home of a gracious, amazing lady, and her family.  I actually never met her except through reading blogs and comments, but I was pretty sure that I would love living here....and I do.

I wanted to re-open the blog, and Mrs.G. (for gracious, that is not her name or initial) really wanted to read again.

I will be changing the name and the URL, so DD will fade away, and hopefully my parents won't find me for a while....
See me at:


Dana said...

You've chosen a beautiful and apt metaphor for the new blog. Love it! And you! :)

Unknown said...

Yay <3 <3

frogla said...

Amazing story of God's unconditional love grace and peace! He is victorious & so are you!

Sharon said...

Glad to see you back! :-)

Lewis said...


shadowspring said...

Aw! Thank you for re-opening your blog under a new URL! You are so sweet. *mwah* ((DoaHF)) =D