April 20, 2010


I John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

If you are afraid of someone, can you still love them?


Anonymous said...

Yes. The heart is marvelously complicated.

Are you afraid?


shadowspring said...

I think when I am feeling fear (you read my blog, you know I feel it) it is usually for a good reason. In this present world, there are things that can and do hurt us.

In that verse, I think it means that when we truly understood how great God's love is for us, then we will not be afraid of him. The "fear of God" in reality is awe at how much He loves us, not wanting to fall short of His goodness because it is so incredibly good. We want to be like Him because He inspires us to be like Him.

The "Fear of Gawd" that religion teaches is being afraid to sin because "Gawd" is out to punish every infraction. it's a lie that separates us from the True and Living God of Love, Our Lord Jesus Christ who loves us so that He gave his body to be broken for us, and shed his blood to reconcile us to himself.

Communion should be a joyful occasion where we remember that nothing can now separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Religion makes communion a focus on sinful man, when the Lord said to do it to remember Jesus!

My thoughts about the verse.

Anonymous said...

Excellent explanation. I've only slept an hour last night and am not capable of more than simple thoughts today. :)

Yeah, that verse is talking about fearing versus loving God, not people. And fear of particular people usually does have some basis for it -- we should listen to ourselves much more than we do on that count.

Gotta get some sleep...


DoaHF said...

Actually, it is fear of people.

I think it is more of a trust issue. I am afraid of being open and honest with people because they could hurt me. Funny, I never thought I had trust issues....and now I am finding them all around.

Anonymous said...

I think you can love people, even if in relationship you operate out of fear. Love comes from something outside of ourselves (Jesus) and fear comes from within.

It's really hard to be open because of that very thing, being hurt. Especially if it's occurred in the past. Our instincts are similar react sometimes as muscle memory does.. I've been hurt = don't allow for that opportunity = don't open up. It's hard to break the cycle.
I've been comforted in knowing that God cares for me, He'll justify me if I'm trusting him. If someone hurts me that doesn't change the fact that Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.

shadowspring said...

True, but it is a blissful reality that we don't have to trust everyone, or expose our heart to those we know will not respond in love.

"Don't cast your pearls before swine ... because they will trample them under their feet and turn agian and attack ("rend"- which means to tear open)you again" Jesus said that.

Those pearls are the treasures of your precious heart. If you fear that they will not be treasured by someone, don't share them with that person.

Pigs (swine) are some of the most vicious creatures out there! A hog attack can kill a man.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Don't cast your pearls before swine.

shadowspring said...

Sorry for the typos- in a hurry