April 12, 2010


After a discussion about me taking a snack from the cabinet (club crackers) without asking permission my mother said: "Ask before you get anything out of the cabinet or fridge, ok!"

Then, she thought a little bit and said "I guess, maybe, we could change that for you in the future, but just ask, ok?"

I am still confused as to what that meant.


Anonymous said...

My first thought was that she was struck by the sudden uneasy epiphany that she was regulating snack time for a full grown woman living in her own home. At least, that's what a normal woman in the world would be thinking. I suspect that on some deeper level your mom knows, in her heart of hearts, that she has wandered off the true path somewhere along the line and that she is acting more like the owner of an indentured servant and less like the loving mother of a grown daughter.

But that's just me.

It should be interesting to see how this falls out. I pray it works in your favor. Take care.


shadowspring said...


All the food in my house is for all the people in my house. Even my son's friends have free access to apples at any time.

I do ask that people let me know when we're running low on anything. It's frustrating to get ready to make something and find the ingredients you thought you had are not there.

But that is life. :)

I hope Sara is right and your mom is coming to her senses about how ridiculous it is to insist you stay home (by not preparing/encouraging you to build your own life independently) and then not treat you as an equal adult woman of the house on pretty much equal status that she has.

She doesn't work outside the home either, right? Her job as "help meet" entitles her to rule the larder, no? So if you are "help meet junior" don't you have the same privileges?

It is a fuzzy role, "help meet junior", I guess. Surely the fact that your mom is mate and not daughter entitles her to some elevated status of some kind, but what exactly? You are a grown woman yourself, perfectly capable of choosing your own snacks.

Since they won't let you leave and haven't taught you how to provide for yourself apart from them, aren't they obligated to freely meet all of your needs then? I personally think they are morally obligated to do that much, but I guess what I think is not an issue here! LOL

Praying for you, DoaHF! =)

DoaHF said...

Something my wise Grandmother shared with me:

It is an old saying:
There is no room in one house for two women