July 4, 2011

I will NOT be passed over!

I dont usually start with the clips/movies, and definitely not one of this length.
However, if you will simply skip to 5:38 where Eliza proudly exclaims (in part): ".....but I WONT be passed over"
My Fair Lady is one of my all-time favorite movies. Now that I watch it I find the passive-aggressive male authority and the maturing female lead even more intriguing for all the depth of character and their relation to real life.
George Bernard Shaw was a genius.

Anyway, moving on.
I have been feeling 'passed over' all week.

Frequent readers may remember that I was really trying for the bookkeeping position at the grocery store that I work at back in February. Another girl (e.) got the position.  Mid-May she told a couple people that she was leaving and going to school the middle/end of August. I waited a bit after the news broke to approach the front-end manager, not wanting to appear over-eager or reckless to job-shop when the position was not even 'cold' as it could be colloquially put.
I came in 30 minutes early the middle of June and spoke to (personnel/front end manager[FEM]) about how I was (still) interested in moving up and asked what I could do to prove my readiness/capability. She said she would need to look through my files and would get back to me later that day. That evening after the store closed she told me that she had not had time and she would get to it later in the week.

I waited a week, and then it was an incredibly busy weekend, so I waited for that to be over. Monday after I was done with work, I asked her if she had had time to look things over and she told me 'regretfully' that the store manager had already approved a transfer from another store as a part-time replacement (e. is full-time). She continued by saying that a part-time bookkeeping slot may come open 'later in the fall', but until a 'posting' (public announcement that the slot was needing to be filled) was approved by the manager, I could not apply/que for the position.

I hate to say bad things about my job. I love it and I get along perfectly with all the employees, and I enjoy talking with customers and helping people and doing all the various and sundry things I do. I have been giving 100% to them for over 9 months now. I have never turned down a call-in/extra day of work or any shift-switch with a fellow employee.
I have come in late only twice in all that time, and I have done my utmost to be the best I could be for them. Again: I love my job.

However: for FEM to tell me that it was the manager who had the last say is a bold-faced lie. I know that and I am probably the least knowledgeable of anyone how workplaces operate. FEM knew that this transfer had applied to work here, and I am sure the manager discussed it with her because the FEM does payroll and schedules and such.
For her to refuse me the job and to refuse me to even 'que' for it is totally mean on her part. She knows darn well what the employment needs on front end are and what jobs are vacated/going to be vacated/need to be filled/are not being filled. it is HER JOB.

But I have learned from all this. I am going to the manager next time, not the FEM. I am going to lay it all out for him plainly.
1) I am dedicated
2) I want this job, and have wanted it for a long time
3) When I was hired, they told me this was my spot
4) I have been your most dedicated employee for 11 months.
5) You yourself have called me in at 7 in the morning (and woke me up) and I came.
6) Last time I asked about this position I was told that it was all in your hands
7) I am very competent and would fill this position perfectly.
8) ...blah blah about my good qualities and the things front end could get from me

I plan on talking to him the week before (e.) leaves. I am NOT letting this get past me again.

Until then I have cut my availability. I have been completely flexible to the point of bending over backwards. Not any more.
I found a job that pays more than cutthroatwage and is managed by someone who was actively recruiting me and mentioned (in the interview) that I was 'supervisor' material and that he wanted me to begin asap. I will begin that in August, hopefully, and work only at the store in the evenings. I might be able to save money and stop living paycheck to paycheck.

I am NOT going to settle for being passed over.
I am NOT going to wait and keep hoping naively that dedicated service and devoted work-ethic will advance me.
I am NOT going to starve and not be able to put gas in my car because I am allowing them to push me aside and barely give me enough hours to call myself 'full time.'
I am NOT going to allow FEM to give me any more stress about money or work or my future.
I will NOT be passed over.

and I dont think I am blaming her too much. I have made endless excuses as to her conduct and I have the gut-feeling that she does not advance me because she does not want me advanced. Either she sees me as a 'good worker bee' or she doesnt want me to be one of her lackeys (ie. bookkeepers).
dont know. I DO know however, that the guy who originally hired me believed in me and in 90 days had me doing everything and trained in everything I could be. The day before they fired him for 'suspicions' he was telling me about how I could start training for bookkeeping the first of the new year.

6 months later I am fighting for just enough hours to pay rent and gas.
I am not whining "poor me, my life is so hard." I am going to change things and I am going to make my life better.
I am not giving them any more than they gave me.

I am sorry, Store. You have ruined your best employee.

1 comment:

Eunika said...

Rock on, girl! :)