June 8, 2011

3rd Worst

So, class, who can tell me what the third worst month/holiday season is for people with bad families/family situations?

No, Christmas is second.
No, thanksgiving is the first.

**Ding, ding!!!
Good job, person over there!  It is JUNE!!! Father's Day, and picnics, and family barbecues, and reunions, and smiling happy families..... everywhere but around you.
I feel like posting something negative and cynical on friend's facebook statii when they gush or coo about having "the best (parent) ever, luv you ______"; or "My (parent) is so awesome...etc"
And then, other people will comment something to the effect of "No, you dont!! I do! My (parent) is better"
And a third person will try to one-up the first two with something else said parent did/said/was to them.

As happy as I am that they had a safe, happy childhood (and honestly, I am happy for them.  Growing up hurting sucks and I wouldnt wish it on my enemies) I get so upset inside seeing comments and updates like this.  I want to say something like:  "Wow, I am so glad you have a parent who actually loved you.  I sure wish I did.  Tell me again how it feels so I can envy you properly."  Or   "I am jealous.  My dad stuffed religion down my throat and encouraged me to be a snotty, proud bitch.  Now people hate my sarcastic and cynical attitude."

And not because my life was all bad.  I have heard terrible stories from dear friends.  My life was a lot easier than theirs in a lot of ways, and I got out sooner.  I am making good progress while they struggle to even make it on their feet.
And I loved a lot of things about my life.  I loved the garden and my herbs and plants.  I loved theology and Greek and studying the in's and out's of other religions and being on the mission field and witnessing to people.  I loved baking and seeing people devour my creations.  I loved singing babies to sleep and rocking them as they relaxed softly in my arms; a solid, warm, weight.
I liked the bustle of people and tons of people.  I liked hearing my dad debate and teach.  My mother taught me how to clean every corner.  I read voraciously and they provided me with an endless library and encouraged my depth and interest there.

Its just that I have been feeling a decline all month (yes, all 7 days of it) and knowing that as the month progresses I will have to keep away from most (if not all) TV commercials, cards, store-advertising, people, etc. if I am going to keep from having to think about the bad.

My knee has been hurting when I lay down.  Sleep is hard when it is telling me I am stressed.  Its like my body is upset ahead of time knowing what I am in for.
Thanksgiving was really busy, but by the time Christmas came around I was ready to collapse and I DID internally.  Gee, I remember that debacle.
This time, I dont know what will happen.
All I know is I hate June.


shadowspring said...

I think your sarcasm is 99% hilarious and fun, and very, very rarely over the top. You are a beautiful, strong, courageous woman, and I am so glad we crossed paths in this world.

QuicksilverQueen said...

Ugh, I hear ya. Mother's day was bad for me...I'm not sure how Father's day will be. I'm just kind of not thinking about it. lol