January 21, 2014

People over _______.

  I have a new core doctrine for myself.  I grew up with an extremely rigid set of beliefs, and having something solid, something black-and-white that I can claim as a personal core belief has been very good for me as a person.

This doctrine is: People over ALL.
People over money, people over religion, people over social status, people over problems, people over disagreements, people over feuds, people over politics, people over pain, people over misunderstandings, and people over _____ (insert word).

Basically, this ties into my traumatic experience with being cut off from my family for my religious beliefs.  Unless I agreed 100% and walked lock-step with my father in all of his doctrine and religious pursuits, I was not welcome in my family, and I am considered a "prodigal daughter."
HOWEVER, my caveat to this is that people (especially and specifically those who are abusers) do not get to be raised over things like safety, common sense, personal boundaries, and personal mental health.  I will not allow my father to come visit me because even though he is a person, he has not earned the right to my trust and my heart.  He lost those with his actions and will not get them ever again.
  I will, though, support his right to life, liberty, his personal property (not my siblings persons, they are not his property), and his ability to pursue personal happiness in being religious.  I will not support his attempts to prosyletize if other people dont want him around because I support other people's right to not want to be bothered over his desire to convert.

I participated in an even with my community college yesterday MLK day and we went around the room with questions written on paper about a gamut of current issues.  My question was: Is your freedom worth someone else's pain?  Your money?  You place (in society/church/whatever)?
  Is your freedom to own guns without checks or mandatory locks or any "government snooping" worth the death of kids by accidental shooting from their siblings, the Newton shooting, or other shootings that will happen after this is posted?
  Is your freedom to run a business your own personal way more important that labor laws or pollution ordinances or the rights of your workers to humane treatment, "nominal" working hours, and a living wage?
  Is your freedom to pay yourself millions of dollars as a CEO and bonuses (and then hide it in offshore accounts) more important than the well being of people who are STARVING because government assistance doesnt feed them adequately?

I think people, and the welfare of these people, should come before the things that can be put aside.
Leading up to this is my firm belief that America should be a bigger welfare state.  My Comparative Government professor talked a little bit about Germany having a pretty capitalist economy but with a solid welfare state that provides not only working comp, but years of maternity and paternity leave, as well as health care for everyone, and education for everyone up to college!

This level of advances people-care could happen in America if people were less focused on greed and personal gain and more focused on bettering the lives of EVERYONE they can.
People over all.

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